SEE Exam Routine 2079
SEE Routine 2079 published by National Examination Board. NEB Rastriya Pariksha Board published the SEE Exam Routine 2079 . SEE Exam Routine 2023. All the Routine details of NEB SEE Routine 2079. SEE Class 10 Exam Routine. National Examination Board Nepal SEE Class 10 Exam Routine 2079 Update.
The National Examination Board (NEB) has decided to conduct the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) from Chaitra 17. A meeting of the National Examination Board held on Chaitra 10 has decided to conduct SEE from Chaitra 17 to Chaitra 29.
SEE Exam Routine 2079 SEE Class 10 Routine 2023 by NEB Exam Routine
- SEE Exam Routine 2079 Details:
- SEE Exam Start From: 2079 Chaitra 17
- SEE Exam Ends on: 2079 Chaitra 29
- SEE Exam Time: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
- SEE Exam For: Regular Students/ Partial Students, Grade Increment & Technical Prabidhik
- Even if there is an emergency leave without prior notice to the National Examination Board Examination Control Office Class 10 The exam will not be postponed.
- The examination for both the regular and grade enhancement groups will be held at the same time as per the mentioned schedule. The examinees participating in the technical and grade increase examinations should also be kept in the examination center by the regular examinees of the respective schools.
- No examination of any subject will be conducted on Saturday 18th Chaitra and 21st Chaitra Tuesday of the year 2079.
- Admit card will be mandatory to enter the exam hall.
- The information about the examination centers will be from the respective Education Development Directorate and Education Development and Coordination Units.
- Candidates who do not participate in the examination according to the specified center and schedule will not be given another arrangement for the examination.
- The exam should be given from the symbol number mentioned in the admit card. Change of symbol number mentioned in admit card It won’t happen. If the exam is given in the code number, the exam will be canceled automatically.
- The head of the center coordinated with the concerned schools for the facilitation of the disabled examinees to give the SEE Necessary arrangements should be made.
- There will be no change in the examination center of both the regular and grade enhancement groups.
- If anything regarding the examination is not clear, you can contact the National Examination Board, Examination Control Office Class 10, Sanothimi phone number 6630739 & 6630070. This information can also be viewed on the National Examination Board website: and Examination Control Office Class 10 website:
When the examinee fills the registration examination application form, the date of birth and the spelling of the name and surname mentioned in the form should be compared with the control list provided by this office. It is requested to send it so that it arrives at this office. Otherwise, within 6 months from the date of publication of the said details, the revision will be done only on the basis of the specified documents.