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Class 12 Syllabus of all Faculty


New Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 All Subjects:

The government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published the new curriculum of Secondary Level Class 11 and 12. Download PDF file of the latest NEB Syllabus of all subjects. This syllabus for the National examination board (NEB) Gard 11 and 12 courses.

Download New Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 All Subjects - .pdf Format:

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Compulsory Subjects .pdf
कक्षा ११  १२ भाग  (अनिवार्य विषय)

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional Subject First .pdf
कक्षा ११  १२ भाग  (ऐच्क्षिक विषयपहिलो समुह)

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional Subject Second .pdf
कक्षा ११  १२ भाग  (ऐच्क्षिक विषयदोस्रो समुह)

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional Subject Third .pdf
कक्षा ११  १२ भाग  (ऐच्क्षिक विषयतेस्रो समुह)

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional Subject Fourth .pdf

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional Subject Fifth .pdf
कक्षा ११  १२ भाग  (ऐच्क्षिक विषय पाँचौ समुह

Subject: English

Grade: 11 and 12                                 

Subject code: Eng. 003 (Grade 11), Eng. 004 (Grade 12)

Credit hour: 4                                     

Annual working hour: 128

1. Introduction

English is a lingua franca and is an appropriate international language for Nepal to be connected with the global community. It is not only the language of international communication but also a language of higher education, mass media, information, and communication technology (ICT), business, tourism, science, and medicine. In the context of Nepal, English is necessary for various purposes.

To be specific, our learners need English to participate in classroom interactions; to study course materials; to read things for pleasure and general information; to gain access to the world body of knowledge; to read and enjoy a wide range of literary texts, to participate in international meetings, seminars, and conferences; to communicate with foreigners in general; to enhance their career development, and many more.  English is taught as a compulsory subject from grade one to the bachelor's level. 

Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST) has approved the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2076 addressing the changed socio-political condition of the country and the current needs of the learners. This grade 11and 12 English curriculum has been developed in line with the spirit of the new NCF. The present curriculum addresses all four language skills with a prime focus on reading and writing skills.

It focuses on the types of reading and writing skills that are necessary for the students in their real life. It also includes the language functions which the students need for their further studies and the world of work.

A strong grammatical foundation is also given due consideration in this curriculum. This curriculum is based on the principle that learners learn the language when they get sufficient opportunity to use it in appropriate contexts. Content should not be detached from the use of language. Content and language should be integrated while teaching.

Therefore, the curriculum has focused not only on language and language functions but also on a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts which provide a meaningful context for language learning. For some students, secondary education serves as a basis for preparation for university education, whereas for some other students, it may be a preparation for entry into the world of work. This curriculum tries to address the linguistic requirements of both types of students.  

This curriculum focuses on both the intensive reading of texts which is intended for language development in the learners and the extensive reading of texts which is intended for processing content and developing higher-order reading and writing skills. Soft skills including critical thinking and creativity of the students have also been given due importance.

For this purpose, a wide variety of texts have been included under various themes and topics. This curriculum includes level-wise competencies of students, grade-wise learning outcomes, scope and sequence of contents, learning facilitation process, and evaluation process.

2. Competencies:

This curriculum of Grade 11 and 12 in the English language aims at developing the following competencies in the learners:   
  1. Use both spoken and written English for general and academic purposes in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.
  2. Read a wide variety of texts for information and understanding.
  3. Read a variety of literary texts for pleasure and appreciation.
  4. Read, reflect, and interpret a wide range of texts.
  5. Critically analyze and evaluate ideas in a wide range of level-appropriate texts.
  6. Search, select, and manage information from various textual and online sources.
  7. Create a variety of writing for different purposes and audiences with appropriate content, style, and accuracy.
  8. Produce a variety of creative and critical writings.
  9. Appreciate diverse cultures.
  10. Listen and respond in English with accuracy and fluency
  11. Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations using verbal and non-verbal communication strategies.

3. Grade-wise Learning Outcomes:

The learning outcomes in this curriculum are distributed between grades eleven and twelve based on their levels of difficulty. However, the same learning outcomes may be introduced in grade eleven and consolidated in grade twelve. Therefore, these may go in a sequence and will be addressed in the resource materials and pedagogy. 

Class 12 Subject Name and Code Number:

1. Compulsory Subjects

Class 12 Subject Code

Nepali [Nepl 002]

English [Eng. 004]

Social studies and Life Skills Education [Sol. 006]

2. Optional Subjects

A. Group - A

Class 12 Optional Subject Code

Physics [Phy. 102]

Accounting [Acc. 104]

Rural Development [Rud. 106]

Nepalese Legal System [Nls. 110]

Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 112]

Sports Science [Sps. 114]

Instructional Pedagogy and Evaluation [Ipe. 118]

Psychology [Psy. 120]

History [His. 122]

Gender Studies [Ges. 124]

Hospitality Management [Hom.126]

Agronomy [Agr. 128]

Naturopathy [Nat. 130]

Human Value Education [Hve. 132]

Sculpture [Scu. 134] 

B. Optional Subject - (Group B)

Class 12 Optional Subject Code

Biology [bio. 202]

Education and Development [Ed. 204]

Geography [Geo. 206]

Procedural Law [Prl. 210]

Sociology [Soc. 212]

Ayurved [Ayu. 214]

Business Studies [Bus. 216]

Linguistics [Lin. 218]

Political Science [Pol. 220]

Political Science [Pol. 220]

Philosophy [Phi. 222]

Population Studies [Pos. 224]

Horticulture (Fruits, Vegetable, Floriculture, and Mushroom farming) [Hor.226]

Food and Nutrition [Fon. 228]

Dance [Dan. 230]

Computer Science [Com. 232]

C. Optional Subject - (Group C)

Class 12 Optional Subject Code

Chemistry [Che. 302]

Economics [Eco.304]

Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 306]

Marketing [Mar. 308]

Gerontology and Caretaking Education [Get. 310]

Yog [Yog. 312]

Vocal / Instrumental [Voc. 314]

Sweing and Knitting [Sek. 316]

Criminal Law and Justice[Ccl. 320]

Culinary Arts [Cua. 322]

Culture [Cul. 324]

Fashion Designing [Fad. 326]

Film and Documentary [Fid. 328]

Animal Husbandry, Poultry, and Fisheries [Apf. 330]

Nepali [Nep. 332]

English [Eng. 334]

Maithali [Mai. 336]

Newari [New. 338]

Hindi [Hin. 339]

Hindi [Hin. 340]

Chinese [Chi. 342]

German [Jer. 344]

Japanese [Jap. 346]

Korean [Kor. 348]

Urdu [Urd. 352]

French [Fre. 354]

Hebrew [Heb. 356]

Arabic [Are. 358]

Sanskrit [San. 360]

D. Optional Subject - (Group D)
Class 12 Optional Subject Code

Mathematics {Mat. 402]

Applied Mathematics [Ama. 404]

Business Mathematics [Bmt. 406]

Human Rights [Hur. 408]

Library and Information Science [Lis. 410]

Home Science [Hos. 412]

Envrionemtn Science [Ens. 414]

General Law [Gel. 416]

Finance [Fin. 418]

Co-operative Management [Com. 420]

Buddhist Studies [Bud. 422]

Applied Arts [Apa. 424]

Singing [Sig. 426]

Painting {Pai. 428]

Sericulture and Bee Keeping [Sbk. 430]

Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 432]

Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 434]

Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 436]

Internal Decoration [Ind. 438]

Hotel Management [Hom. 440]

Mass Communication [Mac. 442]

Call 11-12 Sanskrit Subjects:
1. Compulsory Subjects:

Class 11 Sanskrit Optional Subject Code

Sanskrit Rachana (Saw. 012)

Sanskrit Language and Grammer [Slg. 018]

2. Optional Subjects:
A. Optional Subjects (Group-A)

Class 11 Sanskrit Optional Subject Code

Shuklayajurbed [Yab 501]

Samved [Sab. 502]

Rigved [Rib.504]

Atharbabed [Aab. 506]

Grammar (Byakaran) [Gra. 510]

Siddhaant Jyotish (Theory of Astrology) [Sij. 512]

Darshanshastra [Dar. 516]

Sanskrit Sahitya (Sanskrit Literure) [Sas.518]

Nitishastra [Nis.522]

Download PDF File of All Subjects and Code Number:

Also Read:

2.  Class 11 and 12 - List of School Name, Address, and Code Number
3. Class 11 and 12 Subject Name and Code Number

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